dSkills@EA Project in Burundi

Building the Future of Digital Innovation

As part of the dSkills@EA project, ACLIS Lab plays a pivotal role in bridging the digital divide and fostering innovation in Burundi. We are committed to strengthening the employability-related digital skills and innovation capabilities of young people in East Africa.

  • Collaborative Approach: By partnering with the EAC, German Development Cooperation, and other regional bodies, we facilitate a robust network of innovation hubs and multi-stakeholder platforms that drive technology transfer and entrepreneurial support.
  • Empowering Innovators: Through the Innovators Sprint Up Programme, we equip young innovators with the skills and knowledge needed to transform ideas into market-ready solutions, thus contributing to economic growth and social development in Burundi.
  • Impact Metrics: Supporting 30 young people in the EAC Partner States, including 21 women, we help them develop market-oriented digital business ideas and business plans, fostering a thriving entrepreneurial ecosystem.